Friday, May 17, 2019

Science questions

How do sundews react to different substances?

How does color affect the choices of a green cheek conure?

Music effects. . .

What is the affect of different surfaces on the ability of a crested gecko to climb on it?

What is the affect of bacteria diversity in different places in a cage?

What sort of bird foods does a green cheek conure prefer?

How do different music styles affect a 3rd graders math performance?

How do different soils affect compost?

How do slug populations relate to school land areas?

What is the effect of different exercises on heart rate?

How do different rock types relate to the minerals found in them?

What is the relationship between rock species and minerals found in it?


Recycling (compost pit - worms) What is the relationship between compost with worms and without?

How does temperature affect the growth of mushrooms?

What is the relationship between music and math performance? (emotion)

Birds - What is the relationship between lunch foods and what crows steal?

What is the relationship between bird sounds and time of day?

What is the relationship between bird species and time of day?

How does building structure relate to plate tectonic movement resistance?

-------------------------original ideas----------------------------------
How does different light colors affect plant growth?

How does different water temperatures affect the speed of axolotl development?

What type of fluid makes plants grow more stronger, efficiently and taller?

Will tomatoes decompose faster in water or dirt?

What plant grows the fastest?

What will tarantulas want to live in a desert environment or a forest environment?      

What makes flowers die the  fastest?
What substances to carnivorous plants prefer?

What is the effect of different liquids on sodium polyacrylate?

How do salty foods and sugary foods affect ant colonies?

How do different acids affect the growth of plants?

How does the amount of water affect the growth of plants?

How does acid affect the growth of bacteria?

Which fluids make the best conductor of electricity?

How does salt affect the separation of oil and water?

How does “clean” or “dirty” water affect the growth of plants?

How does the amount of water used affect the growth of plants?

How does salt affect the growth of bacteria?

How does salt the growth of plants?

What is the effect of temperature on plant growth?

How does iodine affect the growth of bacteria?

Which chemicals make the best crystals?

How do different soils affect the growth of plants?

How does the amount of salt affect the hatching of brine shrimp?

How do different cleaners affect the amount of bacteria present?

How do different fruits affect the strength of a battery?

What is the difference between the rotting of an organic apple compared to a non-organic apple?

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