Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Experiment one day 2

 1. Open the shared document in your group.

2. Group leaders should type the group's questions - What is the effect of . . . . on . . . . .?

3. Each member of the group should write their own rationale of why this experiment is worth doing. 

- (RH) I think this experiment is important because it will help us understand . . . .

4. Each group member should use their initials and add facts under the section "What we know".

- (RH) I learned that plants start growing when . . .

           I learned that most plants. . . .

5. Each group member should add their links under "Sites we used. . ."

- (RH) Science Kids Network (link here)

6. Each group member should add at least 3 supplies being used to the list of supplies.

7. Each group member should add 3 steps to the section "steps of our experiment" (I will help with the words "Variable" section)

8. If this work is completed early, use your headphones and begin one of the documentaries below or work on a certification.

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