Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Done checklist

 1. Finish scientific paper and have checked by Mr. Hollinger

2. Locate an expert to email for your experiment. (Search Universities)

3. Write the email AND HAVE A TEACHER CHECK before sending. Use THIS TEMPLATE to write your email.

4. Post your paper as a PDF to your Weebly.

5. Finish your top 5 greatest discoveries project.

5.5 Make a short PowerPoint that shows the main parts of your experiment - question, research, hypothesis, variables, results and conclusion (we will present these next week)

6. Save and post your top 5 project to your Weebly.

6.5. Add your most recent badge to your homepage. Click here to go to the badges page

7. Have your Weebly checked by Mr. Hollinger

8. Begin the yeast experiment - Click Here

Free choice ideas:

- Google Earth

- Classroom Minecraft world

- Personal mini-project to post to Weebly

- Science Documentary of your choice (check with Mr. Hollinger)

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